for 1.600 releases
“I was in prison and you came towards me” (Matth.25, 36)
It is in the Greek prisons that 1.600 fellow beings of ours are imprisoned. These people are neither robbers nor killers. They have been imprisoned due to financial reasons as their companies went bankrupt.
Shall we let them be in prison? Then, our faith to God is dead. This is what the God’s Apostle, Saint Jacob said. Here is his saying “The faith without charity acts is dead” (Jacob. 2, 26)
This concerns the Christ faithful followers.
What about those who don’t believe in God?
When they speak theoretically, they are superb. But it is very easy to speak. So, here we are to act. Let us release our 1.600 fellows from prison. Shall we do it?
There has been a couple from Canada who indeed did it. Their names: The wife’s name is Violet and the husband’s one is Allan. They won 11.300.000 dollars in the lottery. And what did they do with this sum? They didn’t give a cent to their children and grandchildren. They donated all this money to charities. What is their moral philosophy?
As we read in the article about them: “Money can’t bring happiness” – ‘Whatever you didn’t have yesterday, you don’t miss it today” – Money we won is not worthy” – ‘We have each other and that’s enough” -”This sum of money caused us a lot of headache-that’s why weafforded it to our fellow beings who really need it” - «We haven’t spent a penny on our personal pleasure” -”Money brings neither happiness nor health” (
Which of the rich people in Greece will follow their example? The Diaconate for the of Poor Prisoners’ Release of the Sisterhood “Saint Xeni” is looking forward to telling his name. And then, what will happen? Let us have the time to release all of them, all the 1.600 prisoners. So we will celebrate all of us and even more our generous sponsor. Have a Happy Easter.
Our phone numbers are 23920 -25866 and 6947428174 from12-4 p.m. every day.