Αλλαγή στα Ελληνικά


Τη 12η Οκτωβρίου τελούμεν μνήμη του εκ δεξιών του Εσταυρωμένου Θεανθρώπου σταυρωθέντος δικαίου και ευγνώμονος Ληστού.


Πρώτος εισήλθες Παραδείσου την πύλην,

Ληστά,  την σην μετάνοιαν βαλών κλείδα.

“The Prisoners Day”

                   Every year the Sisterhood’s visit to our country’s prisons was taking on a specific day, on the Meatfare Sunday.

Because the Gospel passage of this specific Sunday (The Last Judgement) refers to the prisoners in these verses:

“I was in the prison and you came towards me”

“If you did it for one of my lowest brothers, you did it for me…”

(Math. 25. 36. 40)

Our Sisterhood started its mission in 1978 for these lowest brothers of Jesus and of ours (as we are all Our Father’s children) and named this specific Sunday as “The Prisoners Day”.


El Canater, 30th August 2004

My Lord,

Thank you because you brought/guided the brothers and the sisters here in my prison safe and sound. I don’t know how to express my thanks to you for all the goods you offer to my life.

You, my Lord, illuminated these people with so much love that they visited me and showed love and interest to me, to the humble one. I warmly pray to You to keep on supporting them in their magnificent mission towards the prisoners of every single prison and give them Your blessing, Your love, Your joy and Your peace abundantly.

I beg You enlighten them in their life and add years to their life and life to their years.

And, as they are waiting for the miracle of my release from the prison, I am also praying for Your speech to be verified:   “I shall not leave you and I shall never abandon you” (Hebr.13, 5).

I pray for all these to You, to My Lord and God.



ex-prisoner of an Egyptian prison
